The Bean Family

The Bean Family


Bean's Talk February-March 2020

Bundled up

This past month I’ve had a couple occasions to “dress-up” someone in Quechua clothes while talking about Peru. The first time was a kindergarten teacher and the second time was an older woman at the facility where Mom Bean lives. They probably thought I was exaggerating as I added layer after layer of woolen petticoats and blankets. Things can get heavy!

Dates for #4 and #5!

Yes! There are now dates to celebrate the arrival of the fourth and fifth Quechua Bibles. Easter Sunday we will be in Pomabamba, Peru, for the North Conchucos Quechua Bible dedication and the following Sunday in San Marcos, Peru, for the South Conchucos Quechua Bible dedication. These are not areas that we know well, nor do we have many personal contacts in the churches there. We look forward to meeting more of the church in these areas.

Washington, D.C., here we come!

Have you ever been to the Bible Museum in Washington D.C.? We’re looking forward to visiting the museum for the first time and checking out where the five newly published Quechua Bibles are shelved. While we’re there, we will also have the opportunity to give a brief presentation.

Change in scheduling

Surely we are not the only ones to have noticed how time speeds ups as the years go by. Each month I can hardly believe it’s time to write another Beans’Talk. Some of you may be thinking, “Good grief! Another Beans’Talk already?!” With this issue we will be morphing to an every other month edition.

But, no change in work

Mark continues to plug away in two main areas of work. On the one hand, he continues supporting Quechua work and Quechua ministry. On the other hand, he serves as a translation consultant for other teams. Usually this is done remotely, but while we are in Peru in April he’ll meet with one of the teams.

Praises and Prayer Requests

*Praise God for an opportunity to speak at the Bible Museum February 29. Pray that those listening might grow in appreciation of the Bible in their own language and perhaps even be inspired to get involved in Bible translation themselves. 

*Praise God for the upcoming dedications in Peru on Easter Sunday and also Sunday April 19th. Pray for the churches in North and South Conchucos as they hustle to coordinate their respective dedications. 

*Praise for the opportunity to travel back and forth to Peru for the dedications and to work briefly with another translation team while there. Pray for Mom Bean during the three weeks we will be absent. (April 6 to April 25th, Lord willing.)

This is a collective effort and we thank God for your partnership with us. We thank God for you!

Mark & Patti