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Sermons by Speaker: Jonathan Holmes ×


  • 07/28/19

    Why Are You So Angry?

    Why was Jonah so angry when the Ninevites came to faith? Wasn’t that the purpose of his mission? While enjoying ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 01/27/19

    Waiting in the Age of Anxiety

    Sometimes life is hard and confusing! In our struggle to make sense of a difficult situation, we may question God’s ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 09/09/18

    Staying Awake for What?

    Warnings to stay awake, be on guard, and be prepared abound in both the Old and New Testaments of the ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 01/28/18

    The Gospel to a Pharisee

    Many of history’s most significant events can be traced back to a single turning point. The book of Acts gives ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 08/13/17

    The Gospel to the African

    When Philip encountered the Ethiopian eunuch, the man was reading a portion of Scripture he could not understand. Philip seized ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 08/13/17

    The Gospel to a Magician

    Acts 8 records the apparent conversion of Simon, a magician whose power garnered him popularity and renown. Not much time ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 03/12/17

    Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night

    Though oftentimes we don't like to focus on it, death is a universal constant of the human experience and ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 09/18/16

    When the Going Gets Hard

    How can someone be in the right before God? Job asked this surprising question when dealing with the death of ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 06/26/16

    Everybody Worships

    Everyone worships something, but genuine Christian worship is grounded in the mercy of God. Paul's exhortation in Romans 12 ...

    Jonathan Holmes
  • 02/14/16

    Of Loneliness and Job

    The Old Testament book of Job presents a classic picture of human suffering. Though his friends came to comfort him ...

    Jonathan Holmes